10. Januar 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I hate New Year Resolutions. It's always the exact same shit like last year. You make some resolutions only to NOT stick to it right after making them. You forget about them and the next year you make the same bloody resolutions like last year. It's total crap the whole concept just does not work and I fail to see the purpose or any sense in making resolutions.

My resolutions for 2011:

- More dating
2010 was a very lame year in dating world. I couldn't even do a "Top 3 of worst dates" because I think all in all I didn't even have 3 dates. I blame my search for work and the large amount of work I've had this year. And my laziness.

- More workout
November and December I worked out a proud amount of 100 Minutes 3-4 times a week. I want to keep that going. And maybe do a little more - I mean... what could possibly happen?

- Work harder
I work from 8 to 6 but I know I can do more. I can pay better attention, become more self-confident, actually know what I'm doing from now on and - well - just be better. It's like being back at school, but I just don't feel like being head of class yet. Soon I will be.

- Make new Goals
I'm probably done with my training (I mean job wise, let's not talk about workout anymore) by the end of 2011. And then I will have to ask myself the same question all over again: What will I do? If I have the possibility to stay on this job I of course would, I love it here it's great. But if I don't I'll have to decide if I want to look for work in Hamburg (underpaid and overworked) or go back to Switzerland (paid adequately for an unimaginably boring job in an unimaginably boring country) or finally move on to England (study? find a job?). I don't know but I know I won't know once I'm there either.

So. 2011. Whaddup?

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